Every Dollar spent on cigarettes is a Dollar not spent on genetically engineered Catgirls for domestic ownership.
"Jeder Euro, der für Zigaretten ausgegeben wird, ist ein Euro, der nich...
Nuclear fusion reactors could be suitable for mass production by the year 2030. The technology has the gigantic potential to so...
Lithium is the most used essential component of batteries and therefore electric cars. However lithium as resource is limited and must be mined under diff...
A new study investigatds the long-term effect of sleeping time on health and mortality and concludes that sleeping before 10 pm (22:00) or past midnight is associated with increased diseases and mortality. Sleeping at about 11 pm (23:00) appears to be optimal [Wang et al. 2021].
*Wang et al. 2021...
The Jupter Notebook (formerely known as the IPython Notebook) is an interactive computational environment, which combines code execution, rich text, mathematics, plots and rich media.
A Jupter Notebook can be launched just with::
ipython notebook
In or...
Rsync is a utility for efficiently transferring and synchronizing files between computers, external hard drives and networked computers. Rsync is a single threaded application written in C.
In Linux to sync directory /from/target with content of directory /to/source use the followi...
Rolls can be locked.
Size: 80 x 160 x 74 cm
Category: furniture
Delivery possible!
Condition: excellent
ID: 7458408471